Anniversary Adventures!

So. Much. To. Write. About. 

First of all, do you know that commercial where the husband is all like..."honey can I quit my job and become a blogger?" and then the wife is all like..."No." This is how I feel about school and blogging. As beneficial and rewarding as school may be, I'd rather just be a rad blogger. Infact, they should make that an official major at BYU-I. Then people that I meet would be all like...
"Hey Lindsay, what's your major?"
Then I would be all like...
"Rad Blogging, duh."

Before I start blabbering about our SAWEET anniversary trip, I need to show you what's up by means of a picture...

Someone thinks he is helping me write my blog!
I blame all typing errors on this little-big dude. 

Anyway, on to our anniversary trip!
Our initial idea was to go somewhere we hadn't been before like Canon Beach! But after looking at hotel prices (lowest being $120/night) we decided against it. We live in such a great area (that is a little cheaper) and we wanted to take advantage of it. We decided that $10 bucks a night camping at Henry's Lake was within our budget, so we stayed there! We finally got to use all of our awesome camping gear that we got for our wedding! Thank you to all you family members that got us such nice camping gear! 

The first night we were met with winds up to 15-20mph I would assume. We set up our tent in the wind, which was a task! (it tested our mountain men skills!) It was so cold and windy we could hardly sit outside without being miserable. I told Travis that we weren't going to let the wind win, but it eventually won.We ended up laying in our tent for awhile just listening to the wind and praying we wouldn't fly away. Luckily, our tent is awesome and held up nicely. I remember at one point during the night, the wind got so bad that I rolled over and told Travis that I was scared and he just rolled over and snuggled up to me and I fell asleep till morning :) That is one of the many perks to having a great hubster!

Campsite 7! Home of the Helms!

Our Campsite!

Inside our tent!

In front of the lake!

Little ground squirrel friend!

The second day we started out early for Yellowstone!
Here are some pics from the second day!

Stopped at the gas station to fill up and saw some classic cars getting washed before the car show!

Drinkin' some hot cocoa on the ride into Yellowstone!

 One word. Ew.
Seriously, what kind of bug has fur?

 The hot spring flowing into the Madison River! So cool!
Travis wanted to tube down it so bad. And when I say "it" I mean the hot spring, not the river.

 Microbial Mats make the ground orange!
At least that's what the sign said.

ooohhhh aahhhhh

 In front of Old Faithful...bein' faithful.


Upper Falls of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon

 Lower Falls of the Yellowstone Grand Canyon

That night we came back and did some fishin'!
(Never caught anything...booo!)

This is my new "sit-on-the-grass-and-read-a-book-floppy-hat!" Please excuse the crooked sunglasses. I brought my crappy ones camping and they have a tendency to ruin self portraits.

On the third day, we decided to go back to Yellowstone and do the smaller Northern loop. Here are some pics from our third day adventure!

Random waterfall. Yipee!

 Panorama of the upper Mammoth Hot Springs

 Travis freaking me out!

 Petrified Tree!!!!!
Apparently, Yellowstone used to be a little more tropic and had trees similar to the great Redwoods. This is a Redwood tree that was petrified by a volcanic blast up to 50 Million years ago!

 At the Roosevelt Lodge with Teddy Roosevelt :)


 Took a little picnic break next to this stream.
The water was perfect!

Before I go on, there is a little story to go along with this.
Travis and I packed some sandwiches for lunch along with some chips and cookies. There wasn't a picnic table open, so we decided to eat our lunch on a log beside the river in the picture. As we were eating, Travis notices a group of lovely people behind us. They were setting the table with a real linen table cloth and silverware wrapped in napkins. They proceeded to have a feast.
To each their own!


One whole year!

 Yay! The best year of my life!


When we came home I was depressed. I wanted to stay longer! But little did I know Travis had a surprise up his sleeve!
On our way to dinner at Johnny Carinos!

My surprise at the Mariott! Sparkling cider, flowers, chocolates, and my gift--a day at the spa!!!

Love my flowers! :)

Our first anniversary is going to be hard to top! I had such a great time celebrating and an even better year of marriage! I am so blessed to be married to my best friend. Nothing in the world feels better than knowing that I have my best friend there to hold me tight when I need him most. And nothing feels better than knowing that he loves me no matter what.

Here's to many more years to come and a love story that will never end!


p.s. blogging makes Winston tired


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